It even has an extra seat so a friend can ride you.

The final mount on our guide is extremely unique: You don't ride it, you transform into it. But running this a few times will probably only take you an hour or so. Smoldering Ember Wyrm has a 20 percent chance to drop, so it's not a guarantee. He was a tough boss at the time, but not anymore. Once you've finished running all over the tower you will face off against Nightbane himself. You'll be way stronger than that and can probably one-shot most monsters. If you're level 60 it shouldn't take more than a single try as the timer was initially designed for max-level players back in Legion. The guide on the exact locations of each can be found on Wowhead. Once inside the dungeon, you're going to see a message in chat that reads "The strange chill of a dark presence winds through the air." This is the beginning of a secret timer that requires you to find five crystals in five minutes, though each crystal resets the timer back to five minutes.
#Free wow mounts how to
How to get: To get your hands on Nightbane you'll have to go into Karazhan-the Legion dungeon, not the original vanilla one. Who doesn't want to ride around on a flaming skeleton dragon? The Smoldering Ember Wyrm (or Nightbane) is one of World of Warcraft's most poorly kept secrets, but now that we have moved past the Legion expansion it's easy to get on your own, and is one of the coolest dragon mounts in the game. (Image credit: Blizzard) Smoldering Ember Wyrm

After you have your Gulper the world is your… fly? Osyster? I'm not sure, but enjoy your time in Gulper trains around Oribos, Gulper choruses outside of Castle Nathria, or maybe just enjoy life on the hop. If you're having any trouble getting Humon'gozz to spawn, or downing him, check out our guide. After you've acquired your mushroom, you can head off to spawn Humon'gozz, a rare boss with a fair amount of HP (I'd recommend bringing a friend or two to help you down him, as you'll all get the mount). Any mob can drop the mushroom, and more likely than not you've already had one, or a dozen, and not even noticed. How to get: To start you need to loot an Unusually Large Mushroom, from any mob in all of Ardenweald. The Gulper is a 100 percent drop chance from a rare mob found in Ardenweald. It's also just one of the coolest, and easiest to obtain mounts in World of Warcraft. If you own it and spend enough time hanging around popular cities like Oribos, you're bound to find an opportunity to join congo lines or form a massive circle of players all sitting astride their own Arboreal Gulper. The Arboreal Gulper is the current meme mount of Shadowlands.